Friday, August 31, 2012

Boss Hunting

“Boss Hunting” is an online community for sharing photos that are considered “Boss”. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, urban dictionary gives a (#debatably) great definition:
So, as per the definition, the page provides incredibly awesome, miraculous and great photos from women, hotels, beaches, cars, houses. If you haven't seen the page, check it out: 

The site was first created as a Facebook page by an Australian boy, and now spreads to Twitter - - bhofficial and Tumblr - www.bosshunting.tumblr.comWith nearly 111 thousand Facebook “Likes” alone, the site has contact to a very large audience. 

Although the site first began as an outlet to share and comment on interesting and cool photos, I’ve begun to notice some small changes. It has become an outlet for advertising. Jack, the creator, allows anyone to email him photos, and he selects which ones he would like to share with his loyal Boss Hunting followers. 

The other day, 
I noticed this photo was uploaded:

Within minutes, the title was changed to this:

Notice a difference? Yes, a link to the website is now available – Free advertising for the Villa in Phuket, Thailand. So couldn't business owners send "boss" photos of their own resort or destination to Jack, with a website link for advertising purposes that will reach thousands of impressionable people, for free?

I am in no way saying I dis-like the page, I regularly look at and enjoy the photos posted. A personal example of the power of Boss Hunting, was a result of a post of a resort in Santorini, Greece:

I was in Santorini this year with a group of friends, and some sought out this resort, went to check it out, and ended up buying lunch there, due to Boss Hunting. The girls went to this resort simply to say "I went to that awesome resort that was on boss hunting the other day", and ended up spending money there.

Yes, it was only lunch, which would have added up to less then 100 euro, but I am sure there are people out there who have booked a resort because they became aware of it on Boss Hunting. Surely some of you have also been to a place because you saw it on Boss hunting? Did anyone else notice how some posts now have a link to the website?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Marketing Study Program

After today’s seminar, I thought it would be quite topical to write a post on my experience on the Monash Marketing Study Program (MMSP). The tour ran from January 7 - January 23, 2012. The amount we achieved in this short amount of time was crazy, but here is a short summary:

Hong Kong

Our first group activity in Hong Kong was a visit to Disney Land, it allowed everyone to get to know each other at the start of the trip. 
Our first company visit was Jack Morton, and what an interesting first visit. We heard from a number of speakers from companies within Jack Morton, such as Webber Shandwick and Future Brand. We were finished by 12.30pm so all headed to the IFC shopping mall for a shop. Our second company visit was DDB, where we heard about social media and the Chinese market. 3 short days, 2 company visits and 48 dumplings later, we were off to London.


Our first day in London was spent the day shopping in Oxford St, and enjoying an early dinner at a pub in Kensington. The next day was our first London company visit – Marks & Spencer. They presented great information about their Plan A initiative, and insight to the M & S brand as well as providing us with an M & S lunch. Next we headed to JC Decaux, who showed us what they did in the flesh via their outdoor showroom. On day three in London we had my personal favourite visit of the trip, Arsenal. We had a stadium tour, saw the Diamond Club and to the excitement of many of the girls, a tour of the change rooms. Our final visit was to Westfield, where we pretty much just got to shop and head home whenever we wanted. On the last night I met a friend from school living in Shoreditch to see her house and we went out for dinner nearby. After dinner we met some of her London friends in at a club Camden for a dance. Our last day in was a free day, so we went to Buckingham Palace and out for lunch, followed by a stroll through Kensington Park and Hyde Park.

Italy - Prato

In Italy we stayed 20 mins out of Florence, in Prato. It was a short but enjoyable visit, with only one company visit, to Monash Prato, and plenty of free time to enjoy the food and nightlife.


Barcelona, much like Italy was about the food and drink with our first company visit being to the Sant Antoni food Market. 

Next stop was the EADA business school where we heard from Camper and Disigual, two Spanish brands. We enjoyed lovely dinners each night as well as fun nights out with the group at the famous shot bar and beach front nightclubs.


Our company visit in Paris was to the L’Oreal factory, where yes, we got a few freebies. We then heard from their advertising agency McCann Worldgroup. As Paris was our last stop, we had a group dinner at a French restaurant. We only had two company visits so had time to fit in most of the sites before leaving.

After paris I met friends in Laos and Thailand and continued travelling for another 2 weeks.

As you can see, I could write pages and pages about this tour, because it truly was an experience of a lifetime. If you have any questions feel free to comment and ask me! Or if you're unsure if you should apply, APPLY! there is no commitment in applying at this stage.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Has CBA taken it too far?

The Commonwealth Bank has recently released a controversial ad, that played on terrorism as part of their sponsorship of the 2012 Olympics. It follows on from the series of ads featuring the characters C, A, N and T. It features the C, A and N characters reporting the T to security for having a suspicious backpack informing security they heard a ticking noise. For those of you who haven’t seen the ad, here it is:

The ad was uploaded on YouTube on August 1, and was taken down soon after. A spokeswomen from CBA stated “The Commonwealth bank apologises for the video released to its YouTube Channel. We acknowledge some concerns were raised and the material was withdrawn this morning”.

The ad follows a series featuring the C, A, N, T characters including an ad staring James Magnussen.

An article in the Sydney Morning Herald comments on this ad [] saying it was a reminder of the swimmers shortcomings. 

The ad shows C, A, N following James, praising him, followed by the T raising doubts. The bank said they will continue to use athletes in follow up campaigns and do not plan to remove the James Magnussen ad in the lead up to future races.

In The Age article, the banks chief marketing officer alledgedly told another website that the terrorist ad was unauthorized. ‘It was unapproved video that got released. We’ve pulled it down’

Personally, I can see the angle CBA was going for in this ad, however due to the 2005 London bombings, I feel the ad may have taken it too far. There are so many other emotional appeals to provoke in media campaigns, terrorism is one that just shouldn't be touched.

Do you think CBA has taken the use of a comedic appeal to far? Or have people over-reacted?